I’m so glad that I took the dogs in the car and went to the forest for a walk yesterday. It surpassed all my expectations! Foresta di Mercadante is a forest planted on a hill, to prevent flooding in Bari. It’s also a beautiful nature reserve where a lot of energy has been put into tracks and signs. Even better – it felt like we were alone in the Forest. We walked for more than an hour, and the only ones we met were a bicyclist and a confused poiter with no owner in sight.

I wanted to give the dogs some active rest. It’s easy to train too much when you have the agility field right around the corner, but my dogs are not in shape to jump, run fast and dig in hard every day. I think soft trotting in the forest is an exellent active recovery for all dogs. And it was beautiful!

And working on balance 🙂
Squid got to do obedience in the afternoon. We’re working on a constant head position in heeling, and play around with games for scent discimination. A lot of good training for her, and it got even better when she found chickens both on the other side of the fence, and in our training field. That was a tough distraction for her!

The puppies by Tyra and Epic, that I have been waiting for for so long, were born two nights ago. I was really set on a female puppy this time, but all seven puppies were male. They are beautiful, and I don’t think I can say no to one of them even though he’s a son and not a daughter…

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