This fall, I am presenting my first ever online class. The class is open for 6 working participants and 20 observers. As a working participant, you will follow the class with your own dog (one dog per working spot) and post video for the entire class to see. I will of course comment on your videos and help you through all the lessons. The observers get to read and watch all material from me, watch all the posted videos, ask questions and join in on the discussions. This is a foundation class, much like the one we do IRL at home. It will be great for anyone wanting to get the most out of reward based methods. There is also the option of buying access to just one of the lessons. With that option, you can read the text and watch all videos, but questions and discussion is restricted to the participants and observers that follow the whole course.
The class will run from October 3rd to January 9th. A new lesson with text, video and homework will be posted every other Monday, for a total of 7 lessons. Every lesson has a theme, these are the themes that we will cover in the 7 lessons:
- Play! How to get your dog to tug with you and how to use playtime to teach your dog invaluable lessons for future training.
- Self control. How to use rewards to increase control and gain clarity when working with the dog.
- Shaping. Getting you and your dog started with shaping, or fine tuning your shaping skills. How to plan, execute and evaluate your sessions and bring fun into shaping.
- Heelwork. How to get your dog to heel with focus, precision, attitude and duration. Great for any dog, even if you’re not planning on doing obedience trials, as it teaches the dog many valuable lessons.
- Stand, sit and down. Learn how to teach the “jumping stand”, how to get fast and precise behavior, generalization and a dog that will keep the positions no matter what. Also great for any dog, not just obedience dogs.
- Retrieve. Build from the play we worked on in lesson one and teach your dog a fast, precise retrieve where the dog never chews on the dumbbell. Our method of teaching the retrieve is different, fun and very effective.
- Stimulus Control. Adding cues to behaviors, teaching the dog to wait for the cue and to discriminate between cues. Every clicker trainer needs this lesson!

What you need to sign up:
- Computer with good internet connection
- To read and write in English
- Video camera and a video editing program
- YouTube-account where you upload your videos
Sign up now! There’s only 6 working spots and 20 observer spots in this class.
You will receive log in-information when you have payed via PayPal. If you already made an account here, let me know and I’ll give you access to the classroom.
Class is full. You can still buy access to viewing single lessons (with videos and comments). There will probably be new classes in the future. » Grundkurs online! ,
[…] Titta in här för mer information. […]
Very interesting course! If one buys access to one/few lessons will that be an observer access or would that include video based personal feedback too? I’m especially interested on your methods for teaching retrieve, sit, down and stand for FCI obedience distance control and stand & down for FCI obedience recall and square. Are these covered in the on-line course?
Fanny Gott ,
One lesson price is for observing that lesson. The retrieve is covered in the class (lesson 6). The sit, down and stand lesson will cover different kinds of sit, down and stand, but might not go into depth with the distance control as this is a foundations class.
Yes! Just payed per paypal. That wasn’t easy with everything in Swedish 😉
Fanny Gott ,
Thank you for letting me know Silke. I will try to change the language asap. Welcome to Foundation Class!
Found the mail with log-in information in my spam. Profil updated 🙂 Can’t wait for the class to begin!
Fanny Gott ,
I looked at the check out and saw no Swedish. Everything was in English. How strange?
Silke ,
I think it changed language after the log in, but after the buy now button the page was in Swedish where you had to find the right button. But it is managable.
Hi Fanny,
I would like to register to be an observer in your foundation class. I do not have a pay pal account. Can I register without a paypal account?
I just paid as a PayPal guest
Hello Fanny!
I just signed up for a working spot! I am very excited to be joining the class and looking forward to get started! 🙂
Släpp kontrollen lös! « Break a Leg Agility ,
[…] ihop en webbaserad foundations kurs (grundträningskurs) som ska pågå under vintern. Läs om den Här!. Det hade varit väldigt nyttigt men är osäker på att kunna ”ta till vara på den”, […]
Signed up as an observer… looking forward to the lessons.
Försökte skriva upp mig på en observatörs-plats, men lyckas inte kan bara köpa 1 lektion. Är platserna slut?
Fanny Gott ,
Konstigt. Det borde fungera. Jag ska titta på det och hoppas kunna lösa det snarast.
Same her! Tried to register in september, but, could only sign up at “one lesson” – so I skipped the whole thing. Unfortunately.
I am excited about signing up for your class but when I try to pay I am only paying for one class. How do I sign up as an observer for the whole course?
I perservered and am now enrolled.
Anmälde mig som observatör. Ser fram emot kursen!
Jag har ännu inte fått någon log-in info. Borde jag ha fått det?
Fanny Gott ,
Nu har du det! Vi ses i klassrummet!
I would like to sign up as an observer of the whole class, but when I click “Pay” it only offers the option of signing up for one class. Are the observer spots also full?
Hi Fanny! Do you remember us ! It´s great that you´ll open a online class.
Do you have a spot as an observer for us ?
Fanny Gott ,
There are a few observer spots left! Just sign up 🙂
I just signed up 🙂
Sabina ,
Finns det fler platser kvar som observatör? Vet du om du kommer köra en liknande kurs igen till (vill ju helst delta fullt ut)?
Fanny Gott ,
Class is full. You can still buy access to viewing single lessons (with videos and comments). There will probably be new classes in the future.
Hi, If I buy now the observer package (1000 SEK) Can I get access to all the text, video and homework that has been uploaded the 6 mondays before?
Thank you!!
I just read that observers class is full.. I think I will take single lessons, which is the difference between observers class and buying each single lesson? that you can’t ask questions on single lessons? Thanks!
Fanny Gott ,
Yes. No questions on single lessons and you can buy as few or as many as you want.
Claire ,
Hi ! I just sent a payment for 1 single lesson, waiting for my login. Now that I’ve got my dog tugging, it’s time to teach him a good retrieve !
I am interested in buying a lesson to observe. Sorry if this is obvious and I am missing it, but – my question is, at what point do you get the option to choose the one lesson you want to pay for? Is that at the end of the Paypal process, or do you add instructions with the payment?
Fanny Gott ,
Just send me an e-mail when you’ve payed, and I’ll give you access to the lesson you like.