I’ve spent all day training my dogs and then getting ready for this weekends work. So today I’m going to leave you with two links and I hope to get a discussion on this.
When do you use NRM? Do you use LRS? Does it matter what you are training and how you are training it?
Also – great news. Fly, mother of Squids and Epic, was mated with Ids yesterday and we’re expecting puppies in nine weeks. Very exciting!

Ingerid ,
I started using NRMs in weave pole training, since I don’t want the dog either looking at my body language for clues as wether to continue, and I certainly want them to keep going after an error (wrong entry etc), since completing the behavior chain is somewhat reinforcing. Later, it has snuck into other parts of my training, and as these nrm/lrs-discussions are happening, I’m wondering if maybe I’m using them too much…
Ingerid ,
Oups, there’s a “don’t” missing in there. So: I certainly don’t want my dogs to keep weaving after an error 🙂