It’s been a very intense and tough period since I got home from the U.S. One of the motherless puppies broke his jaw, and required a lot of attention. Three of the puppies moved out at 8 weeks, two weeks ago. Two of them are still with us, and will stay here at least for a while. We also got a slightly older (3 months) puppy from England two weeks ago. Her name is Leet, and she’ll hopefully be a good herding dog and contribute to our breeding.

Volt, 8 weeks
Four days ago, our second litter for the year was born. Mother is Thomas’ Fay, and father is my Epic. She had four boys and two girls. Everything went well, and they seem content with life. Since they were born, we’ve had a few calm days at home. First celebrating Christmas with my family, and then just spending time at home. It’s nice to have some home time before we start off the year with a busy January. Yesterday, I took some pictures of the dogs. Wilco is 10 months old now, and is quite handsome.

Squid, Wilco and Epic