We’re happy to offer online classes to students around the world. If you’re already in a class, you can access it in the sidebar to your right. Log in and click on the class/lesson that you’re in. If you want to join one of our new classes, look below!
Lad’s Weaving Wonders
Follow along as I train Lad to weave! From the very first session to a finished product with independence, speed, and footwork. I will post videos, descriptions, and course maps in a closed Facebook group where you can ask questions and learn from my mistakes and challenges. This group will run from July 26 to whenever I feel that his weaves are “finished” and ready for competition and any challenges.
Rewards Expanded Online
Start whenever you want
This class is suitable for anyone who wants to level up their dog training. We cover the basics of reward development and work with developing different types of play and food rewards. Whether you are doing dog sports or just want to be able to reward your dog better in everyday life, this is a course that can help you make dog training more successful and more fun.
Jumping Gymnastics Online
Start on the 1st of any month for three months of class
Jumping is an essential part of agility, as agility courses consist of mostly jumps. Good jumping skills will give you a stronger dog, more drive, better independence, less stress on the dog’s body, more efficient lines and less dropped bars. This online class takes you through the basic exercises as well as exercises tailored to your dog’s special needs.
Agility Handling Foundations Online
Start on the 1st of any month for three months of class
Three months of agility handling foundations on jumps and tunnels. It suits anyone who wants to teach or improve independent handling moves and build speed, confidence, and motivation. You’ll learn almost everything you need to get around any course. You’ll teach your dog verbal cues and handling techniques that work even if you’re not a fast runner.