This is a obedience class, much like the one we do IRL at home. The class will be based on the exercises from the FCI obedience trials, but the online class is also open for those who do obedience in other organizations. It will be great for anyone wanting to get the most out of their obedience dog using reward based methods, from the curious novice to the experienced competitor. It is a great advantage if you have done our online foundation class, or if you have the similar foundations in play, shaping and self control.

- Heelwork. How to get your dog to heel with focus, precision, attitude and duration. We cover all parts in heelwork from the novice to international class. How prepare your dog for focused and confident entries into the ring.
- Stand, sit and down under march. How to get both speed and steadiness in the positions. Sitting and lying in a group and proofing the positions.
- Recall. How to get your dog to run fast, and how to teach the recall with stand and down.
- Send away to the square with directions, down and recall. One of the most impressive exercises to watch and one of the most fun to teach.
- Retrieve. How to build up your retrieve from foundation games to get your dog to love all parts of the retrieve, both directions, jumping and retrieving metal. Our method of teaching the retrieve is different, fun and very effective.
- Scent discrimination. We split the exercise in two and work on scent discrimination and the retrieve separately to build a confident dog who knows his task.
- Distance control. How to use shaping and trick training to get correct movement with a high level of precision and stimulus control.
- Prepare your dog for competition. Teaching the exercises is only a small part of obedience training. This final and important lesson is about how to get you and your dog to perform equally well in the competition ring as you do in practice.
Class starts on March 13th.
This class is open for 10 working participants. You can also join as an observer. As a working participant, you will follow the class with your own dog (one dog per working spot) and post video for the entire class to see. Thomas and I will of course comment on your videos and help you through all the lessons. Observers have access to all text and video in class, and can ask as many questions as they like (though not regarding their own, specific dog as we’d like to see video of the dog’s we’re discussing).
Working spot is 2300 SEK
Observer 1000 SEK
If you haven’t followed our foundation class, we give you the option of observing the current one with a 50% discount if you sign up for it at the same time as the obedience class. You will get access to all foundation lessons, videos and feedback for only 500 SEK. This will make it easier for you to follow the obedience class.
To find out how much swedish kronors is in your currency – use Google. Try googling “1000 SEK in USD” for example, and you’ll get a good estimate.
What you need to sign up:
- Computer with good internet connection
- To read and write in English
If you want to work with your dog in the class, you’ll also need:
- Video camera and a video editing program
- YouTube-account where you upload your videos